In a Press Statement the President of JCCI countered a statement appearing in some local dailies made by an unknown organisation “ Save Jammu Chamber Forum” misinforming the people at large with baseless and false allegations against the present team of the office bearers of JCCI.
The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that after going through the contents in the statement made by the said forum , the JCCI would like one and all to know the truth and the facts so that these few persons stand exposed. The President further said that there is no room for indiscipline in the JCCI and these few rumour mongers shall face stern action. He said that Sh. YV Sharma who has political affiliation to the Congress Party , Sh. Arun Gupta , both Ex officer bearers have lost all respect in the eyes of Chamber members by holding anti chamber meeting and will be dealt with as per the constitution of the Chamber as their activities are detrimental to the interests of the JCCI for using the print media and the social media spitting lies and giving false statements rather than approaching the JCCI directly.
The actual and factual position is that a Special General Meeting was convened on Dec 19 , 2018 as per the provisions provided in the constitution of the Chamber which was attended by 751 worthy members and the same was photographed and video footage taken too which exposes the blatant lies and allegations levelled by these people. Much needed historic amendments were approved by the House and also the term of the present team extended by 2 more years as demanded by a majority in the House to complete the proposed Business Club. Later all the amendments were notified to all the worthy members through an advertisement in print media on March, 2019 and its pertinent to mention that not even a single objection has been received by the Chamber office till date. He also said that this YV Sharma was personally invited by the President JCCI to the said SGM but he never turned up in the meeting although Arun Gupta did attend the said meeting.
Further the President said that the JCCI shall tackle and answer those members who are resorting to indiscipline to sabotage the developmental works at Chamber House as per provisions available in Constitution. He said a Business Club of the JCCI was the need of the hour so that the worthy members could enjoy at a respectable place the luxurious facilities alongwith their families at affordable cost. He saluted the members who already deposited cheques amounting to approximately 6 Crores towards the construction cost of Business Club / Auditorium / Health Club and Conferencing Facilities.
The President JCCI further said that the long tenures of Ex President YV Sharma and Ex Secy General Arun Gupta saw no development for the Chamber. Their working style speaks volumes and a glaring example is that nor they paid the ground rent of Chamber House neither they paid the balance of premium amount against the plot allotted for 20 long years to the JDA resulting in accumulation of interest amount of more than 45 lacs as additional liability for the JCCI. They did ZERO infrastructural development to decorate the Chamber House which is the Face of the Economy. These two Office Bearers even went to the extent of paying lacs of rupees to one of the employee for 5 years as salary who did not even attend the office and was later shunted out by the Present President JCCI in 2014. They could not even provide the basic amenities at the Chamber House like having a kitchen or a washroom for females or even a room or hall with meeting and conferencing facilities.
The President JCCI also said that the achievements of the present team are exemplary and need no explanation and also that the Lease Deed with the JDA was done after 24 long years by the present team.
The President JCCI assured all the worthy members that no one shall go scot free for back stabbing & cheating the worthy members of the Chamber and that the JCCI is committed to the welfare and prosperity of not only the traders and the industrialists but also the people at large and shall never compromise on any issues concerning Jammu Province. He also said that that it was due to the Dedicated , Sincere and Selfless work of the present team that the Membership of the JCCI has crossed 2800 and growing which has never happened in the past.
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